Regulations for Activities organised by CLM

  • To participate in any of the activities organised by CLM, you must be a student at CLM.
    • A surcharge of 20% will be applied to bookings made by people who are not members of the CLM community
  • Registration can be made through:
    • Reception, (Conserjería) with your student card, National ID or passport.
    • Online, using your student account. (Acceso Indentificado de Estudiantes)
  • Once registered for any activity, the student will be able to see the following statuses in relation to these activities:
    • Open: the activity is still open to all students and registration is possible.
    • Confirmed: the activity has been confirmed and registration is no longer possible.
    • Cancelled: the activity has been cancelled and it is no longer possible to access it.
  • Students will have the opportunity to enroll until the maximum reservation deadline is met or, failing that, the maximum number of students is covered.
  • Once enrolled, it is essential to check the activity’s status on the CLM website one or two days beforehand to see whether it has been confirmed or cancelled.
    • CLM reserves the right to cancel or reprogram any of the activities without prior warning if the cause is justified (bad weather, not enough students or any other reasons beyond the control of CLM).
  • If a student decides to unsubscribe from any of the activities:
    • from the date of registration until four days before the visit (except Alhambra, which is 15 days before, Caminito del Rey, 10 days before and Nerja, 7 days before), 80% of the amount paid will be refunded.
    • if the withdrawal takes place after those days, no refund is possible.
  • When CLM cancels an activity, the students will be notified as soon as possible and the refund of the amount will be 100%. Students will be required to show their tickets if the registration has been made through Conserjería.
  • CLM does not provide health insurance in any of the activities offered. By registering for a particular activity, the participant assumes any risks deriving from that activity.
  • These regulations are mandatory for the entire CLM community and its non-compliance will be the sole responsibility of the registered person.