- Granada
- 8 Reasons to choose Granada and CLM

A leading institution in teaching Spanish language and culture.
Thanks to the training and experience of its teachers, the professionalism of its administrative staff, the top-quality installations and the wide variety of well-organised services, the Centro de Lenguas Modernas has become a point of reference in teaching Spanish language and culture. This is why so many universities and programs from other countries rely on us year after year, to give their students a warm welcome and a rewarding stay.
Firm commitment
to quality
International students
share their daily lives with
Spanish students
At CLM international students share their daily lives with Spanish students who are learning one of the modern Language from the long list on offer every year (English, French, German, Italian, Arabic, Catalan, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Swedish, etc). In total there are 8,000 students studying at the CLM per year. This has led to the creation of the Language Exchange Service, which puts students of different nationalities in contact with each other so that they can practice the language the are studying with a native speaker, often in a relaxed social setting.
The Centro de Lenguas Modernas is firmly committed to a strong and consistent quality policy, which is reflected in the accreditations it holds:
CLM belongs to the Instituto Cervantes Network of Associate Centres. This network only accepts centres fulfilling the quality requirements and conditions set out by the Instituto Cervantes Accreditation System of the Quality of Schools of Spanish as a Foreign Language. This is the only international quality accreditation that focuses exclusively on the teaching of Spanish as a foreign language.

The University of Southern Europe.
The University of Granada (UGR), founded in 1531, continues a long teaching tradition, the roots of which can be traced back to the madrasahs of the last Nasrid Kingdom
The University of Granada
is one of the oldest in
4 university campuses
which combine traditional
elements with a
commitment to innovation
There are four University Campuses in Granada, as well as the “Campus Centro”. The latter encompasses the centres spread throughout the historical part of the city. The UGR’s policy of using buildings of historical and cultural value has not only enriched its heritage, but also promoted their restoration and maintenance.
In addition to the emphasis placed on more traditional elements, the Health Science Technological Park (still in development) demonstrates a firm commitment to innovation by promoting interaction with technological bio-health companies, and boosting high-quality healthcare and biomedical knowledge. There are two other UGR Campuses in the cities of Ceuta and Melilla, in Northern Africa.
At present, the UGR offers courses for 75 different qualifications in its 28 teaching centres. The courses are taught across 116 departments. The Postgraduate School offers 68 master’s courses, 116 doctorate programmes and 113 additional courses.
Over 60,000 undergraduate and postgraduate students study at the UGR, with another 20,000 students taking additional courses, language courses, summer courses etc. There are 3,650 teachers and over 2,000 administration, technical and services staff.
75 degree
68 Master’s
courses and
116 doctorate
80,000 students,
3,650 lecturers
and over 2,000
technical and
maintenance staff
An investment in quality
research, channelled
into 12 research
institutes and 346
research groups
The commitment to high-quality research has placed the University of Granada in a prominent position in terms of national rankings.
The financing of 346 research groups illustrates this commitment. Through the Spanish Research Programme, as well as other national programmes and organisations, the University supports 165 research projects, and the Spanish Ministry of Innovation, Science and Business has provided financial support to 78 Projects of Excellence.
In addition to the research work carried out by the different departments, the UGR has 12 research institutes, along with other specific research units and centres that focus their work on different fields
For many years, the UGR has promoted a strong international dimension through its International Relations Office. The importance of international students is most clearly seen in the 606 mobility agreements signed with European Higher Education institutions and the ERASMUS mobility programmes; the UGR is the leading European university in terms of receiving students and the second Spanish university in terms of the mobility of its own students. The University is also involved in major exchange programmes with universities in the United States, Canada, Latin America, Central and Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Mediterranean countries, Australia
The number one European
University in receiving
international students and
second in Spain for
outgoing students
A wide range of
of sports facilities
and activities
The various Campuses offer a range of sports facilities such as football and rugby pitches, multi-sports facilities, covered areas, swimming pool etc. Each year, the Sports Centre offers over 400 courses in all kinds of sports.
As a result of the UGR’s commitment to both society and the institution itself, a number of quality assurance mechanisms have been developed in relation to its services, centres, qualifications and lecturers, which operate through the various Evaluation, Quality Support and Teaching Improvement Offices. The quality of life within the University Community is another of the UGR’s objectives and a specific Office for the Environment, Wellbeing and Sport operates in this area. The Environmental Quality Unit and the Social Action Office also work in this direction.
In addition to the teaching, research and management activities there are many centres and services: Library, Editorial, Accommodation, Colleges, Catering, Employment promotion office, Grants, Information Technology etc., which can be found in the different sections of the University website or by requesting information from the General Information Office.

The long Muslim occupation, from the invasion of the Iberian peninsular in 711 AD up until the Christian conquest of what was the last Islamic stronghold in Western Europe, had an indelible influence on the city of Granada. Its utmost expression is the beautiful and unique Alhambra and Generalife, one of the finest examples of Muslim architecture outside the Islamic world. Few buildings so sublimely blend magnificent architecture and beautiful gardens with endless fountains and water channels.
This combination deeply impressed the 19th century Romantics and continues to provoke the same effect in visitors today. Students staying in Granada soon realise that such a place is a unique privilege in our lives that goes beyond a simple guided tour. Each spontaneous visit, each weekend walk and each hour spent reading a book in the gardens to the sound of trickling water, help one to understand the singularity of this delightful place. The Alhambra and Generalife are one of the most visited monuments in the world and have been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
But in monumental terms, Granada is much more than the Alhambra and Generalife. The old Albaicin quarter – built on a hill opposite the Alhambra and still inhabited today – is a “living” example of the centuries of Muslim occupancy. Steep, narrow streets run between white washed walls hiding beautiful houses and gardens known as “Carmenes”. These are adorned with flowerpots that fill the air with the scent of jasmine. The streets lead to squares and viewpoints such as the Mirador San Nicolas, with its world-famous views of the Alhambra at sunset.
The narrow streets of the Albaicín,
declared a World Heritage Site by
UNESCO together with the
Alhambra and Generalife, lead to
viewpoints such as the Mirador San
Nicolás, with its world-famous
views of the Alhambra at sunset
There is more than one Granada
although no physical boundaries
exist. Besides Nasrid Granada, you
will find the Granadas of the
Renaissance and Baroque periods,
as well as the Romantic Granada of
writers such as Irving and Dumas
This is the Granada of Nasrid times, but there are other “Granadas” intertwined:
Renaissance Granada can be appreciated in Charles’s V Palace constructed within the walls of the Alhambra, and the Hospital Real where the University Rectorate is now located.
The most prominent examples of Baroque Granada an be seen in the spectacular Cathedral and Royal Chapel, the place of rest for the bodies of Queen Isabel of Castille and King Ferdinand of Aragon – historically known as the Catholic Monarchs – architects of Spain’s emergence as a modern nation and of Columbus’ arrival in the New World. Other jewels of this period include the Monasteries of Cartuja and San Jeronimo, the Basilica of Nuestra Señora de la Angustias, the Basilica and Hospital of San Juan de Dios and the Royal Chancellery – home to the Supreme Courts of Justice in Andalusia.
Granada Romantic was a period, which attracted illustrious travellers, writers and artists from all over the world. Under the influx of orientalism, they arrived in Granada enticed by it’s fame as the last stronghold of Islam in Europe. The most famous of all and the one who influenced the universal recognition of Granada was the American writer and diplomat Washington Irving, although the likes of Alexandre Dumas or Richard Ford should not be forgotten. Examples of the architecture of this period are the Carmen de los Mártires, Plaza de Bib-Rambla and Plaza Nueva.

Granada’s privileged positioning between the peaks of Sierra Nevada and the subtropical beaches of the Andalusian Mediterranean coast, together with the mild climate it enjoys for most part of the year, provide infinite opportunities for sport and leisure activities. The southern most ski station in Europe – which hosted the 1996 World Ski Championships – is only half an hour from the city and opens five months a year.
Little more than an hour separates the snow-capped peaks from the warm villages of Granada’s Costa Tropical, which offers the visitor not only sun and sand, but a unique cuisine, thriving nightlife, a wide range of sports, jazz festivals and much much more. The scenery between these two contrasting ecosystems is spectacular, with one landscape transforming into a radically different one in a question of kilometres.
Granada’s privileged location
between the peaks of Sierra
Nevada and the Mediterranean
coast together with its mild climate,
provide ample opportunities for
sports and leisure activities

With a population of approximately 250,000, Granada is small enough to make it an easy place to live but big enough to offer all the comforts and amenities of a modern city. Short distances allow the visitor to stroll out and discover its hidden corners and an excellent bus service is available for longer distances. Shortly, a tram service will also provide transport in the metropolitan area.
A low crime rate and the hospitality of the local people make Granada a safe city where visitors soon feel at home.
It is surprising that somewhere
with so much history also enjoys
the characteristics of a safe,
convenient and modern city where
the visitor immediately feels
at home

There are nearly 80,000 university students in Granada making up a third of the its total population – a landmark proportion and probably higher than in any other university city in the world. This is reflected in city life which is centred around the university and its students. Young people from all over the world integrate naturally into the lifestyles of their Spanish classmates whilst adding a touch of colour and multiculturism – a characteristic Granada has enjoyed for many years. Figures show, for example, that Granada is the number one destination in Europe for incoming Erasmus students.
Con un censo de 80.000 estudiantes
universitarios, es la ciudad
preferida de los estudiantes
Spanish cuisine is internationally famous for its quality and variety. One of its most popular manifestations – tapas – are one of Granada’s signs of identity and one of the few places in Spain where establishments offer their different “tapas” specialities completely free of charge with every drink ordered!
Although Granda is reasonably small, it offers great shopping. Shop windows to suit all tastes and budgets inundate the city centre: national and international designer clothes shops, shoe shops, small boutiques, department stores, etc.

As one would expect from the homeland of the great poet Federico Garcia Lorca and the adopted city of figures such as the North American writer Washington Irving, Granada offers outstanding cultural opportunities. The city hosts festivals devoted to flamenco, jazz, tango, magic, music, dance, comics, cinema and poetry, as well as art exhibitions, etc.
Since its opening in 1995, the “Granadinos” have also been able to visit the Parque de las Ciencias, one of the most important interactive science museums of its kind in Europe. It offers a wide range of first class permanent and temporary exhibitions and attractions.
The land that inspired poets and
writers such as Federico Garcia
Lorca and Washington Irving
inevitably offers outstanding
cultural events
Here are countless opportunities for amateur sports lovers: different public sports complexes can be found spotted around the city with indoor swimming pools, athletics tracks, tennis and basketball courts, etc.
The mountainous terrain of the province of Granada make it ideal for mountain biking, road bicycle racing, climbing, canyoning, trekking, skiing, etc.

Living and studying in Granada has the added geographic advantage of being a stepping stone between the other Andalusian provinces with monuments, cultural sites and scenery – all of a status hard to equal. In short trips of under 3 hours it is possible to visit various UNESCO World Heritage Sites, such as the cities of Cordoba or Seville, Ubeda or Baeza (in the province of Jaén), the Cazorla, Segura and Villas Natural Parks and other natural parks such as Cabo de Gata or the Grazalema mountain range, Renaissance palaces, mediaeval castles, mythical museums, fishing villages with idyllic beaches, top-notch tourist resorts, deserts, high mountains, etc.
The Spanish capital, Madrid, is only 4.5 hours away by coach or train and less than an hour by plane.
In addition to what’s on offer in the
city, living in Granada gives you
access to a unique choice of
monuments, culture, tourism and
natural parks all less than three
hours away
Places to visit while you are studying in Granada
The city and province of Granada
- The two UNESCO World Heritage Sites – the Alhambra and Generalife and the Albaicin Quarter
- The Cathedral and Royal Chapel (tombs of the Catholic Monarchs)
- The Cartuja Monastery
- Science Park
- Sierra Nevada Ski Resort (30 minutes)
- García Lorca Park (Huerta de San Vicente)
- Costa Tropical Granadina (45 minutos)
- The Alpujarra (beautiful region of white villages clinging to the sides of the Sierra Nevada mountain range, with spectacular scenery and its own gastronomy)
- Sierra de Huétor Nature Reserve (20 minutes).
Other countries
- Portugal (4 hours)
- Gibraltar (3 hours)
Other continents
- Morocco, the Spanish enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla in North Africa
- The Canary Islands (2 hours by plane)
Other Andalusian provinces
- Malaga and the villages of the Costa del Sol (1.15 hours)
- Cordoba (2 hours)
- Seville (2.30 hours)
- Ubeda and Baeza (2 hours)
- The Tabernas desert (1.30 hours)
- Cabo de Gata Nature Reserve (2 hours)
- Doñana National Park (4 hours)
- The Sierra de Cazorla Nature Reserve
- The Segura and Las Villas Nature Reserve (3 hours)
- The Sierra de Grazalema Nature Reserve (3 hours)
- Ronda (3 hours)
- Cádiz (4 hours)
- Tarifa (4 hours)
Other provinces in Spain
- Madrid (4.5 hours by road)
- Valencia (5 hours)
- The Balearic Islands (45 minutes by plane)