- Organisation chart
- The Director’s Office

Assistant Academic Director
Sonia A. Sánchez Molero
Phone extension number
- Hispanic Studies Programme (CEH)
- Spanish Language and Culture Programme (CLCE)
- Intensive Language and Culture Courses (CILYC)
- Teacher training programmes
- Head of Accreditation Exams
- Collaboration projects with other institutions
- Head of Level Testing

Assistant Academic Director
María Estévez Funes
Phone extension number
- Academic Organization and Supervision
- Intensive Spanish Language Courses (CILE)
- Courses in Spanish as a Foreign Language (CELE)
- Customized Courses
- Collaboration projects between the departments of Spanish and foreign languages
- Coordination of research projects
- Coordination of cultural visits
- Head of Level Testing

Associate Director for Foreign Languages
José Manuel Martín Pasadas
Phone extension number
- English
- French
- Italian
- German
- Japanese
- Portuguese
- Swedish
- Romanian