- Quality policy
- Regulations for Spanish Courses
Students must be at least 16 years old and have finished high school or compulsory secondary education.
Students can register online for their chosen course on our web page (www.clm-granada.com) by completing the relevant registration form and making the corresponding payment by bank card.
CLM will recognize as payment the amount received in its bank account. All bank fees must be covered by the student.
The total fee of each course (registration + course fees (or first CELE instalment)) must be paid before students take the level test. Without full payment, students cannot start their course.
Discounts only apply to the courses mentioned and provided they are booked for at the same time.
Since the number of places on any course or subject is limited for pedagogical reasons, CLM may close the official enrolment period earlier than anticipated, once all available places have been filled. Admission is carried out strictly according to the order in which registration forms are received. Thus, in order to guarantee a place, students should register as soon as possible. However, if places are still available, students can register up to two days before the level test. In the case of courses involving different subjects, the chosen options and group should be clearly marked when registering in order to guarantee places. Students can check which groups are available from the timetable published on the CLM web site.
Students must take a compulsory level test on the day specified in the course calendar. For some courses students are required to have a certain command of the language which they must demonstrate in the level test otherwise they will not be able to enrol on the chosen course.
Those students who do not pass the level test for the Hispanic Studies Course or the Spanish Language and Culture Course can enrol on a different course.
The level test lasts between 2 and 3 hours (3 and 4 hours for the Hispanic Studies and Spanish Language and Culture Courses) which are not included in the total number of teaching hours.
Once the results of the level test have been published, students have two days to fill in their personal data and upload the necessary documents (passport and passport size photo) to their student login if they have not done so beforehand: https://gap.clm-granada.com/alumno/
In CEH and CLCE, students have five days starting from the first day of the course to make any necessary
In CEH and CLCE, students have five days starting from the first day of the course to make any necessary changes to their enrolment. In the case of CILE and CILYC, the dates for any changes are as follows: 40 hrs course: first two days; 60 hrs course: first three days; 80/90hrs courses: first four days. In the CELE course, students have one week to change.
N.B. If changes to enrolment in the Hispanic Studies Course or the Spanish Language and Culture Course mean that students are registered for fewer than four subjects, these subjects will be charged as individual subjects.
Students who have attended less than 80% of classes will not be entitled to take the final exam. The final exams for subjects in the Hispanic Studies Course or the Spanish Language and Culture Course will take Students who have attended less than 80% of classes will not be entitled to take the final exam. The final exams for subjects in the Hispanic Studies Course or the Spanish Language and Culture Course will take place in the final week of the course, in line with the official CLM calendar drawn up by the Director’s Office. During the exam week there are no classes. Exams may not be taken on any other date. The deadline for requesting revision of exams and grades is the last working day of the academic year. The final exam for CILE and CELE takes place on the penultimate day of the course.
CLM is closed on Saturdays and Sundays. On national, regional and local public holidays, no classes will be taught and the hours will not be recuperated.
The exams set in the official calendar by the CLM cannot be modified unless a justified cause is provided, which is included in the regulations for bringing exams forward, duly justified with documentation:
- Illness
- Serious illness or death of a family member
- An official appointment with Administration or the Court.
- Due to force majeure
In the event that the reason for the request is not included in the previous section, the date of the exam may be modified provided that the student pays the fees for the modification of the date and has the approval of the Management.
This scale of grade equivalencies is recommended by the University of Granada but the final interpretation will depend on the university recognising credits.
Spanish Verbal Grade | US Verbal Equivalent | Spanish Number Grade | US Letter Equivalent |
Sobresaliente Honor | With Honors | 10 | A+ |
Sobresaliente | Excellent | 9.0 – 9.99 | A |
Notable | Very Good | 8.5 – 8.99 8.0 – 8.49 7.5 – 7.99 7.0 – 7.49 | A- B+ B B- |
Aprobado | Adequate/ Pass | 6.5 – 6.99 5.5 – 6.49 5.0 – 5.49 | C+ C C- |
Suspenso | Insufficient Fail | 4.5 – 4.99 0 – 4.49 | D F |
No Presentado | Incomplete or Exam not taken | -1 | NOT APPLICABLE N/A INCOMPLETE |
Asistencia Insuficiente | Insufficient Attendance (80% required) | -2 | NOT APPLICABLE N/A INCOMPLETE |
REGISTRATION FEE (or first installment): Only when a course or level is cancelled by CLM will the student be eligible for reimbursement or be offered the possibility of transferring this fee to another course programmed in the same academic year.
COURSE FEE (or second installment):
The course fee will only be reimbursed in exceptional circumstances and provided that the student presents a written request, together with the necessary documents justifying during the first week of the course.
If the student wishes to cancel the course once started for a justified reason (supporting documents required), the proportional part of the course fee (second instalment) corresponding to the hours not enjoyed will be refunded.
Refusal of a visa or equivalent application is not considered a valid reason for reimbursement. However, in this case the fee may be transferred to another course programmed in the same academic year. The amount paid may not be transferred to a different person in any case. All discounts will be lost on reimbursements.
CLM issues the following certificates:
1. Reservation and enrolment certificates. These will be issued a minimum of one week after the date of requested.
2. Grade certificate/transcript. This document states the number of courses hours, the level reached and the grade achieved. This certificate is issued on the completion of each course at CLM (CILE, CEH, CLCE, CILYC, CELE, etc).
3. Diploma in Hispanic Studies. Only students who have taken a total of 10 subjects (CEH Fall and Spring or CLCE Fall and CEH Spring) are entitled to this diploma.
In order to receive any of these certificates, students should fill out a request form in the Secretariat. Students may request a maximum of two certificates per course: reservation and grade certificates or enrolment and grade certificates.
Specific communication or notification relating to the student’s course will be made by e-mail or telephone. Timetables, classrooms and other course information, together with activities organised by CLM will be published on the notice boards in the patio and/or the CLM web page (www.clm-granada.com).
Student suffering from any form of physical or sensory disability should let CLM know in good time. CLM does not guarantee that it can cover all the special needs of these students.