The University Modern Language Centre
Mes: septiembre 2021

Collaborating institutions and study abroad programs
The University Modern Language Centre DELE(Diploma de Español como Lengua Extranjera) SIELE(Servicio Internacional de Evaluación de la Lengua Española) CCSE(Prueba para la obtención de la nacionalidad española, del Instituto Cervantes) TOEIC(Test of English for Intrnational Communication) TOEFL(Test of English as a Foreign Language) CAMBRIDGE B1/B2 UGR/CLM(Examen acreditación del Centro de Lenguas Modernas de la Universidad […]

The University Modern Language Centre The University Modern Language Centre, Centro de Lenguas Modernas, located in the central and typically “granadino” district of the “Realejo”, is housed in the old palace of Santa Cruz (16th century) which has been specially restored for teaching purposes. Since restoration was completed in 1992, the new Centro de Lenguas […]

Exhibitions Gallery
The University Modern Language Centre The CLM has a gallery for temporary exhibitions of a wide and interesting variety (painting, engravings, photography, etc.) throughout the year. Check the list of past exhibitions in the CLM gallery – CURRENT EXHIBITION – “Kairós – un encuentro con lo sublime” Collective Exhibition Carmen Sicre / Nina ICH / […]

Exhibitions held at CLM
The University Modern Language Centre Exhibitions Gallery This is a list of exhibitions that have been shown in the gallery of the Centro de Lenguas Modernas in recent years.To see the current exhibition, click here.

Language Exchange
The University Modern Language Centre

Intercambio Lingüístico
El intercambio lingüístico es un servicio gratuito del CLM que facilita el contacto de estudiantes de nuestro centro entre sí. De este modo, pueden practicar, enriquecerse lingüísticamente e incrementar el conocimiento mutuo de cada cultura. Estudiantes de más de 50 nacionalidades distintas estudian idiomas en nuestras aulas cada año.

Master’s degree in the Teaching and Learning of the Spanish Language and its Culture. Specific degree to the University of Granada
If you work as a Spanish teacher in any country in the world, take advantage of the summer vacations to expand, in the best conditions of quality and price and without leaving home, your training and optimize your career prospects with this prestigious Master of the University of Granada in collaboration with the Ministry of Education of the Embassy of Spain in Washington DC.